2024-25_2_166 A technical support position in the Physical Activity and Sports Science Research Group under the framework of the following project: ‘Effects of Active Breaks on Academic Performance in Children with and without ADHD’ (PID2021-123357OA-I00)

  • Título 2024-25_2_166 A technical support position in the Physical Activity and Sports Science Research Group under the framework of the following project: ‘Effects of Active Breaks on Academic Performance in Children with and without ADHD’ (PID2021-123357OA-I00)
  • Descripción 2024-25_2_166 A technical support position in the Physical Activity and Sports Science Research Group under the framework of the following project: ‘Effects of Active Breaks on Academic Performance in Children with and without ADHD’ (PID2021-123357OA-I00)
  • Categorías Personal-Contractes a càrrec de projectes  
  • Emisor Àrea d'Investigació
  • Fecha de publicación 23/09/2024 13:19


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 2024-25_2_166 / Descargar documento firmado /  Informe de firma 23/09/2024 13:19

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